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Thursday, March 03, 2016



Hello everyone
I am Meenakshi.
Here sharing "ENGLISH VOCAB" Part-3

Have a look at the material.
Hope you like it. Happy Reading :)

1. Accord - (verb) give or grant s/o (power, status or recognition)

2. Clear the decks - (idiom) to finish what you are doing in order to do s/t more important
eg - His company is clearing the decks to begin work on a major new product.

3. Emphatic - (adj) expressing s/t forcibly and clearly
Sy- Vehement, firm, wholehearted
eg- The children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience.

4. Furnish - provide
eg - asking him to furnish a personal bond of Rs 10,000.

5. Amity - (noun) Friendly relations
eg - The Governer called for strengthening amity among the two neighbours.

6. Porter - (noun) person employed to carry luggage

7. Inflammatory - (adj) especially of speech or writing- arousing or intending to arouse angry or violent feelings
eg - inflammatory remarks, cops to act in inflammatory speech case.

8. Sedition - Conduct speech inciting people to rebel the authority of a state
eg- JNU sedition row

9. Quantum - a required or allowed amount

10 Sullen - (adj) Bad tempered or not speaking
The child was so spoiled by her indulgent parents that she became sullen when she did not receive all of their attention.

11. Indulgent - broad- minded, liberal

12. Bawl - shout or call out noisily 
eg- Bawling babies

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