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Saturday, August 04, 2018

IIBF EXAM REVIEW : Cyber Crime 04 August 2018

Cyber crime Recollected Questions date-04/08/18.
Same questions repeated from 08.07.18 so only asking members to spend some time to recollect and post the questions 

 Q1.what is honey pot.                                             
Q2. What are steps involved in a Ecommerce transactions.                                     
Q3. Difference between durability and consistency.                                                         
Q4. What is firewell.                                             
Q5 .what is wankworm and NASA.
Q6. E-ucp published in which year.               
Q7.OLA is not a popular app store.                   
Q8.what is circumstantial evidences.         
Q9.BOSS (Bharat operating system solution was developed by which organizations -CDAC                Q10.what is malicious code writer's.                 
Q11.What is multylayered security                         
Q12. What is data.                                           
Q13.blackmailing is an example of cyber extortion.                                                             
Q14 what is SCADA.                                           
Q15.what is cryptolocker                                               card in metrorailway stations are examples                                                               Q17.packet filter firewall.                                   
Q18.micro ATM.                                               
 Q19.cross site Scripting.                                   
 Q20. What is A hectivist...
 Q21 . Rupay card is issued in which year. 
Q22  what is Trojan hourse.                                                             
Q23. What is malware.                                 backup is an example of which type of control.                                                      Q25.what is Lebance loop modulas oprendi  in atm card frauds.                                             
Q26.CCTV is an example of which control. 
Q27.what is Cyber Smearing.                   
Q28.what is operating system vulnerability. 
Q29. CISA cyber security information sharing Act.                 
Q30 what is zeus viruses.                                                                   
Q33. What is INFO stealer.                           
 Q34.e.what is A beck End Access.                     
Q35.what is meaning of phrase of "Ab initio Unlawfully or Unlegally.                                     Q36.what is security Administration and Quality Assurance.                                             
Q37.what is CAPTCHA.                                     
Q38.Intentionally misrepresentation of Data is called A Fraud.                                     
Q39. What is definition of Control.                   
Q40.What is A John Deo Order. ...                                 
Q41.what is payment walked and digital wallet                                                             
Q42 what is Anonymous.                                   
Q43. What is trapdoor access.                                         
Q45. .com and .org are TLD.                             
Q46. TCS fraud in Andhra Pradesh is an example of reasonable security practises and procedures.      Q47. The PVCL case in India refers to which Act of IT act Act_69 power to moniter,intercept or Block URL.               question on CBS and TBA total branch Automations.                                       
Q49. Sysadmin sysuser or teller all are examples of Spoofing.                                       
Q50.what is A network Analysis.                 
Q51.what is vulnerability                                   
Q52.what is DNS sinkholding.                       
Q53.e.Contactless smart card are example of which.
Q55.what is Contigency pkanning.               
Q57.Dumpster Diving.                                       
Q58. script kiddle                                               
Q60. What is SSL injections and Cross Site Scripting.....                                             
Q61. Preventive detective and compensating contol.                                   
Q62. DRONES ARE developed by Drdo.         
Q63.income tax.                                               
Q65. Nearly 10 question on control                                                                   
Q67.DDos Attack.                                                                                               
Q69. Cyberwarfare and Cyber terrorism.
Q70.BECKDOOR access.                   signature.                                         
Q72.symmetric and Asymmetric encrption. 
Q73.public and private keys.                       
Q74.command Injections and SQL injections.                                                                 
Q75.details of Masquerding Attack.           
A76. Trapdoor access and BYOT device.   
Q77.Sec.43 and Sec 46 of IT act....               
Q79.Blue Hat hackers are a Part of testing team.                                                                 
Q80.what is crypyolocker and INFO Stealer

Shared by :Aravind S