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Friday, August 31, 2018

KYC: Chapter 4 Transaction Monitoring and Reporting

1. ........ prescribes that banks required to provide information on transactions to the Director,FIU-IND

2. Under which section banks need to furnish the information?
Ans- 12.1.b

3. CTR Full form?
Ans- Cash Transaction Report

4. All cash transaction of .............. need to be reported
Ans - Rs 10 Lakh or above

5. CTR report timeline?
Ans- by 15th of next month

6. Frequency of CTR Report?
Ans- Monthly

7. STR Full form?
Ans- Suspicious Transaction Report

8. STR Frequency?
Ans- As and when

9. Timeline for STR?
Ans- Within 7 days of a transaction determined as suspicious

10. CCR full form?
Ans- Counterfeit Currency report

11. CCR Periodicity?
Ans- Monthly

12. CCR Timeline?
Ans- by 15th of next month

13.NTR Full form?
Ans- Non Profit Organisation  Transaction Report

14. Periodicity of NTR?
Ans- Monthly

15. Timeline for NTR?
Ans- By 15th of next month

16.  CBTR Full form?
Ans- Cross Border Wire Transfer Report

17. In CBTR , all cross border wire transfers of more than............. or its equalent in foreign currency need to be reported?
Ans- Rs 5 lakh

18 CBTR Periodicity?
Ans- Monthly

19. CBTR Timeline?
Ans- By 15th of next month

20.which rule related to delay/ non or improper submition?
Ans- Rule 8.b

21. Who imparts penalty for reporting late or non submition of various reports?
Ans- Director, FIU-IND

22. Abandoned/Aborted transactions should be reported as..STR/NTR/ CBTR/ CCR???
Ans- str

23. Reason for considering a transaction to be of suspicious nature should be recorded by .......... in writing?
Ans- principal Officer

More will be updated later.... in case of any mistake please comment.