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Saturday, December 01, 2018

IIBF CAIIB ABM Exam Review 02.12.2018

Case study in gdp

2 case studies in hrm(training-1)

Practical questions were asked from type of m1 m2 money with a table provided full details

Dscr-2 qtns

Inventory ratio

Simplex method pe practical the 5

Case study hr-2

Velocity of money direct formula

Gdp concepts formule

Coefficient pr ek hi ques Tha with deviation etc given ok only asked coefficient to find cofficient


Find PAT???

V = PQ/M

V = velocity of money

PQ = Nominal GDP, which measures the goods and services purchased

M = total, average amount of money in circulation in the economy

Job enlargement n enrichment

Enlargement quantity
Enrichment quality

Simplex method -5marks, linear programming-5m

Enlargement: giving some more now doing 2 job earlier doing just one job
Enrichment : giving autonomy to do the job


01. Direct agriculture SME 25%
02. Correlation - Case study 5 marks
03. Job Enrichment
04. Maslow's theory of motivation
05. GDP, GNP and GDP factor cost case study 5 marks
06. 360-degree feedback
07. Halo Effect
08. Time series - Case study consisting of 5 numericals involving coding principle and residual method - 5 marks
09. Vroom expectancy MCQs
10. Motivation theories
11. Feedback methods
12. Performance appraisal methods
13. Theory questions on assets
14. Estimation - case study 5 marks
15. Balance sheet - case study 5 marks
16. Money supply 2 year case study 5 mark
17. Full form 'BARS' -Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale
18. DCSR

Case Studies
Two from Module-A
Two from Module-B
Four from HR (Module-C)
Two from credit (Module-D)

M3 concept. 5 mark block.

Serfaesi act 3 mark

Gdp 5-6 mark

Sampling mathod 3-4 question

Training and leraning 5 mark block

Hr 1 block