Today’s Some recalled questions
Agile model
5-6 single questions based case study (questions like :on-site ATM case study/being an IS auditor , you working in testing team etc.)study
G Gopalkrishna working group
Business continuity and disaster recovery plan phases
Some questions on Unit test and beta testing
Switch router and hub
Questions on malware / botnets/ cyber terrorism
RAID storage technology
Find the incorrect pair of IDS IPS
Software quality assurance
Access control policy
Relationship between auditor and auditee
One question on nodal agency in India pertaining to cyber crime
One question like find mismatching pair for office and their setup : ATM connectivity branch connectivity mobile GPRS gsm cdma
Some questions on tcp up architecture
Zeus dos and ddos attack
OS (UNIX) level security concern
Disadvantage of checklist based method (you can find this question in chapter end questions but all options were different)
AES encryption
One question on RUPAY.
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Vivek Acharya