Discussion 28.09.2018
1. Which of the following is not a purpose of credit monitoring? The choices are:
(a) To ensure end use of the funds by the borrower
(b) To detect any deterioration in the security charged to the bank
(c) To comply with the guidelines of the RBI
(d) To ascertain that the business continues to run on the projected lines
The correct choice is.. (c) To comply with the guidelines of the RBI
2. Which of the following is not a tool available to check the bank for credit monitoring?
The choices are:
(a) Sending regular reminders to the borrower
(b) Periodic visits to the business place for inspection
(c) Analysis of financial statements
(d) Examine conduct of borrower's account
The correct choice is.. (a) Sending regular reminders to the borrower
3. Which of the following is not a method for detecting wrong mention of inventory in a stock statement? The choices are:
(a) Stock audit
(b) Inspection of stocks
(c) Analysis of financial statements
(d) Cross-check from the balance sheet figure
The correct choice is (c) Analysis of financial statements
4. Which of the following is not a method for detecting wrong mention of receivables in stock statement submitted by the borrower? The choices are:
(a) Analysis of financial statements
(b) Cross check from the balance sheet figure
(c) Receivables audit
(d) Inspection of books of account
The correct choice is.. (a) Analysis of financial statements
5. Which of the following is not a danger sign about the direction of business of the borrower? The choices are:
(a) Devolvement of L Cs, invocation of Bank Guarantees
(b) Demand for higher limit
(c) Delays in submission of stock/receivables statements
(d) Return of cheques or bills
The correct choice is.. (d) Return of cheques or bills
6. Which of the following is not an unsatisfactory sign in conduct of the account of the borrower? The choices are:
(a) Delay in payment of interest or instalments,
(b) routing of transactions with some other bank
(c) Frequent over drawings
(d) High turnover
The correct choice is (d) High turnover
7. Which of the following is not the purpose credit audit? The choices are:
(a) Improvement in the quality of credit portfolio
(b) Review sanction process and compliance status of large loans
(c) Feedback on regulatory compliance
(d) Stock inspection
The correct choice is (d) Stock inspection
8. Purpose of appointing bank’s nominee on company’s board of borrowing company is:
The choices are:
(a) To keep a tab on the important decisions of the board
(b) To be a part of the management
(c) To guide the company for better working
(d) To safeguard the securities charged to the bank
The correct choice is (a) To keep a tab on the important decisions of the board
9. Sonal: Which is not a rating agencies
10. ........... is an examination of various credit functions of bank.
Ans- Credit Audit
11. Sonal : Legal audit of title of documents in respect of large value loan amount up to
5 crore
2 crore
5 crore & above
Up to 5 crore
Ans-5 crore & above
12. Sandeep Nikam: Frequency review for
And low risk
Ans- 3 months,
6 months,
1 yr
13. Sandeep Nikam: Audit report should be submitted ? Duration ?
Ans- Half Yearly
14. Sonal : Drawing power calculate on the basis of .......?
Ans- Stock & receivable
15. Sugitha : Credit auditors ....... Required to visit borrowers factory/ office premises
Ans- not required
16. Explain deterioration of security
Correct me for any mistake. Update more qus in comments.
Thanks Team - Selvaraj T, Sandeep Nikam, Sonal, Tt,Lalu Poddar, Manju, Roselin,Devil,Divan Batcha,Sugitha