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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Iibf Exam Review:MSME 15 September 2018

Cgmse cover,
 investment in medium enterprise (manufacturing),
 clcss cover upto,
Tufs for which industry,
textile industry looked by?
wto establishment
current ratio
debt equity ratio
sick industry period
back to back lc
deferred payment gurantee

question of msme certificate exam 15/09/2018 on memory based
1.composite loan
2. Current ratio
3.debt equity ratio
4.wto established
6.shareholder of public Limited company
7.Limited liability company
4.minor partner
10.Npa doubt full assets
11.Msme act 2006
12.dscr ratio
13.working capital gap
14.gross profit Ratio
15.back to back lc
17.women enterprinure
18.How many culstor
19.techinical viability
20.ssi comes in which act
21.mudra loan maximum
22.msme collateral free loan
24.Mudra Tarun loan
25.medium enterprises Amount in manufacturing unit
26.same small enterprises
27.performance guarantee
28.deferred payments guarantee
29.Loan Appraisal application many stages of msme
31.sick industry period
32.hand holding company
33.director of public Limited company
34.Cgtmse on 100 lakh
35.Smera credit rating
36.msme based on which credit rating
37.Otms by
38.Sarface comes
39.sarface works
41.cluster stage