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Thursday, October 11, 2018

CAIIB BFM UNIT 16 : Introduction To Treasury Management

Discussion 11 Oct 2018

Paticipants: Roselin, Sonal, selva raj , shamiya, Meenakshi, Sandeep,Ankita Chopade,Manju, Vaibhav, Lalu Poddar

Star Of today's Class- Sonal

1.Which of the following are the functions of a Treasury?
a) Maintaining adequate Cash Balance
b) Deploying surplus funds
c) Meeting fund requirement in case of short fall
d) All of these

2. The significance of Treasury management in case of Banks is:
a) To maintain CRR as per RBI guidelines
b) To meet SLR requirements
c) It is the function of liquidity management
d) All of these

3. Treasury management was earlier classified as:
a) A service centre b) Fund management department
c) Investment centre d) Core Business Division

4. Which of the following activities of a Bank the Treasury management is more relevant?
a) Deposit function b) Asset liability management
c) (a) and (b) both d) None of these

5. Which of the following are integrated activities of Treasury management?
a) Investment in securities b) Foreign Exchange Business
c) (a) and (b) both d) None of these

6. The Treasury management operations mainly deals with:
a) Short term funds flows b) Long term fund flows
c) None of the above d) All of these

7. RBI has allowed the Banks to borrow or invest in foreign currency subject to a ceiling of:
a) 25% of their tier-I capital.
b) US Dollar 10 Million or 100% of their tier-I-capital whichever is higher
c) (a) and (b) both d) All of these

8. Treasury has an open position, which is also called as ?

9. What is open position?
any residual position at eod overbought or oversold

10. What is spread?
a) The difference between buying and selling rates is spread.
b) This is profit for the Bank.
c) It is a source of fee based income d) All of these

11. What is open position?
a) The overbought or oversold position at the end of the day.
b) When transactions are not backed by the proper securities
c) (a) and (b) both d) None of the above

12. The categories of Dealers in the Dealing Room can be:
a) Chief Dealer (Incharge of the office) b) Corporate Dealer
c) Specialised Dealer d) All of these

13. The Treasury is required to maintain adequate margin for settlement with thee)
RBI b) Clearing corporation c) Foreign Department d) None
Ans- b

14. Generally, Customers use Treasury services of a Bank for the following purposes:
a) To Hedge export receivables
b) To raise foreign currency loans
c) Overseas investments d) All of these
Ans- d

15. Globalization is the process of:
a) Free flow of services and goods
b) Free capital flows among the nations
c) A minimum regulatory intervention d) All of these

16. Which of the following instruments have been used to hedge interest and currency risks?
a) Swaps b) Forwards c) Options d) All of these

17. The Treasury management operations mainly deals with:
a) Short term funds flows b) Long term fund flows
c) None of the above d) All of these

18. Which of the following accounts are maintained by the Back Office?
a) Nostro Account b) Security Account with RBI
c) Demat, Account with Depository participant d) All of these
Ans- d

19. Which of the following is foreign currency account with correspondent bank?
a) Nostro Account b) Vostro Account c) Loro Account d) All of these

20. Minimum Marketable investment???
Ans- 5 crore

21. Mid office report to whom?
Ans- Head of Risk Management department

22. Transfer pricing as a role of treasury ???
Allocation of costs to various department or branches of the bank

23. FERA?
Foreign exchange regulation act

24. Alm book?
mained by treasury
asset liability management
For internal risk management
also include traditional role of treasury

25. Trading book?
Managing proprietary position

26. Integrated treasury refers to?
Investment in securityand foreign exchange business combined
Money market
Securities market
Foreign exchange operation

27. FRA?
Forward rate agreement

28. CDO , ABS , MBS ???
asset or mortgagae backed securities
collateralized debt obligation

29. hedge fund?
hedge fund are investment fund typically formed from private limited partneship
It basically defines to transfer of risk
an offshore investment fund, typically formed as a private limited partnership, that engages in speculation using credit or borrowed capital

30. Interest arbitrage ??

31. Dealing room k reporting authority??
Ans- CTO

33. Risk management comes under?
A.  Front office
B.  Back office
C.  Mid office
D.  Dealing room
E.  A&B


Correct me for any mistake in comment section . And answer the unanswered questions.