shared by Aravind S:
KYC aml and bcsbi recollected questions on 06.10.2018
6 oct 2018 12:30pm aml recollected que-
1. Meaning of money laundering.
2. India is member of which group?
3. Funnel account-case study
4. Structuring-case study & 1que
5. Back to back loan-case study
6. Difference between ML & TF
7. Placement & layering- 2case study & 1que
8.For beneficial owner determination min percent in company, proprietory firm, trust -3 que
9. Suspicious txn. report -1case study & 2que
10. Fiu-Ind help which country for technical assistance?
11. Us sanction list
12. Law related to UK-2que
13. Fatf 4th round evaluation-3que
14. Limit for CDD in case cross border txn
15. Authority for prosecution in case TF
16. Fatf public statement how many times in a year
17. Limit of account opened by OTP
18. PMLA latest amendments 2017- 5que
19. Comprehensive que regarding FATF recommendation 4 que(Sug-plz study carefully)
20. CDD for PEP
21. CDD Procedure & guideline for opening account as per BCBS paper
22. Within how many days records are sent to Central kyc regustry
23. Reports r sent to 15th of the month
24. STR is sent to how many days
25. Which bank is not a member of wolfsgrp?
26. Difference between FATF, EGMONT GROUP, WOLFSBERG & BSBS
27. Purpose of FATF
28. Direct que from FATF recommendation relating to PEP, NPO, Correspondent banking, Money or value transfer services -4que
29. CDD not required for which DNFBP
30. CDD for juridical person and their firm-2que
31. Main feature of Vienna convention
32. Who is authorised to take prosecution under PMLA-ED
33. Authorised to seize property under UAPA-NIA
34. Max penalty for non-compliance of kyc-100000
35. Punitive action for non-compliance under PMLA
36. Reporting entity means
37. Conterfeit currency reporty is submitted monthly
38. All reports are sent 15th
39. FATF identified countries -3que
40. Key elememt of KYC policy
41. Purpose of FAQ
42. Kyc policy is approved by
43. The five major factors that impact ML/TF
44. Foreign student account
45. Money laundering risk relating to new products/new technology
46. Easy method for terrorist financing
47. One case study relating to TF through trust
48. One case study regarding what should be kyc risk category for salaried person if get inward cross-border remmitance
49. Risk involved in third party business
50. If ovd does not contain address then Which utility bill required
51. What contain in Due diligence & transparency regarding cover payment message related to cross border wire transfer
KYC aml and bcsbi recollected questions on 06.10.2018
6 oct 2018 12:30pm aml recollected que-
1. Meaning of money laundering.
2. India is member of which group?
3. Funnel account-case study
4. Structuring-case study & 1que
5. Back to back loan-case study
6. Difference between ML & TF
7. Placement & layering- 2case study & 1que
8.For beneficial owner determination min percent in company, proprietory firm, trust -3 que
9. Suspicious txn. report -1case study & 2que
10. Fiu-Ind help which country for technical assistance?
11. Us sanction list
12. Law related to UK-2que
13. Fatf 4th round evaluation-3que
14. Limit for CDD in case cross border txn
15. Authority for prosecution in case TF
16. Fatf public statement how many times in a year
17. Limit of account opened by OTP
18. PMLA latest amendments 2017- 5que
19. Comprehensive que regarding FATF recommendation 4 que(Sug-plz study carefully)
20. CDD for PEP
21. CDD Procedure & guideline for opening account as per BCBS paper
22. Within how many days records are sent to Central kyc regustry
23. Reports r sent to 15th of the month
24. STR is sent to how many days
25. Which bank is not a member of wolfsgrp?
26. Difference between FATF, EGMONT GROUP, WOLFSBERG & BSBS
27. Purpose of FATF
28. Direct que from FATF recommendation relating to PEP, NPO, Correspondent banking, Money or value transfer services -4que
29. CDD not required for which DNFBP
30. CDD for juridical person and their firm-2que
31. Main feature of Vienna convention
32. Who is authorised to take prosecution under PMLA-ED
33. Authorised to seize property under UAPA-NIA
34. Max penalty for non-compliance of kyc-100000
35. Punitive action for non-compliance under PMLA
36. Reporting entity means
37. Conterfeit currency reporty is submitted monthly
38. All reports are sent 15th
39. FATF identified countries -3que
40. Key elememt of KYC policy
41. Purpose of FAQ
42. Kyc policy is approved by
43. The five major factors that impact ML/TF
44. Foreign student account
45. Money laundering risk relating to new products/new technology
46. Easy method for terrorist financing
47. One case study relating to TF through trust
48. One case study regarding what should be kyc risk category for salaried person if get inward cross-border remmitance
49. Risk involved in third party business
50. If ovd does not contain address then Which utility bill required
51. What contain in Due diligence & transparency regarding cover payment message related to cross border wire transfer