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Monday, February 18, 2019

IIBF EXAM REVIEW: MSME Exam 16.02.2019


An example of Scottish food and drink cluster.

Sick unit - what is it, when to declare a unit as sick, viability, grey area sick unit, who can take decision on viability of sick unit, etc

Hand holding stage of msme

Why credit rating is required

Why does banker hesitate in taking agriculture land as collateral?

Who are part of TReDS

Pre  & post shipment credit

Rate of interest in WCTL

Classification (by capital investment) of micro, small and medium enterprises


Right of recompense? (related to 'turning the corner')

Priority sector lending certificate

LLP - liability of firm and partners, comparison with Public Ltd Co and Pvt Ltd Co

Turn around time for sanction and disbursement of various loans - given in book

Read various categories of women entrepreneurs....Ques came which of the following is not a category of women entre....Rural/urban, illiterate/literate, ...

Back ended interest subsidy scheme

Diversion of funds & Siphon off

Venture capitalists & Angel funds

(Angel or learn the para given in book. Exactly the whole para was given as options)


I did Not study whole book. It's a little boring especially if u study for only a day or two.

But do study last 3 chapters, clusters, MSME classification, time norms, CERSAI,

1 ques on amount/extent of CGTMSE cover

1 question on Ideal current ratio in turnover method, MPBF method 1 and 2

1 question - very easy numerical (2 marks) on max lendable amount in Turnover method. They will give data related to MPBF method also but don't get confused

120 Questions. 100 marks. All mandatory. Difficulty level and style of questions is easier than CAIIB.

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