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Sunday, August 25, 2019

IIBF Exam Review : BCSBI 25 Aug 2019

Here sharing some recollected qus of today's exam.
Hope you like it. Happy reading :)

total 120 question
Passing marks- 50/100
Time - 2 Hours

1. Account number portability suggession was given by which committee? damodran Committee pg 223
2. net worth includes what ? pg 451

3. If a customer is not happy with the service of your bank. he want to know about the grievance redressal procudeure. what do u do?
4. closure of account request t be processed in how many days/- 3 working days
5. transfer of account request to be processed in how many days?- 3 working days
6. if a customer want to make complaint to ombudsman, he can represent after how many days of his complaint in bank ?- 30 days
7. Account is joint in the name of A, B, C, and D is the nominee, if a and b died and C lost both his hands. what will u do ?
a. give money to D
b. give money to D and legal heirs of C
c. C can give thumb impression of his toe in presence of two witness.
8. upto which amt no collateral security accepted?- 10 lakh
9. disposal time of your application of credit for rs 25 lakh/- 3 weeks
10. Mostly complaints of credit card belongs to... delay in service /complaint redressal/wrong billing
11.Password pattern should not be-a. your dob . b any random combination, c. combination of number,special character,alphabets-- pg 401
12. notice to customer of inoperative/dormant/- 3 month before
13. Who will come under high risk?- Politically exposed person
14. members of customer redressal commitee of branch ?
15.BCSBI is which type of body?
16. BCSBI was setup under which law/rules
17. which of the following is not a OVD? Ration Card
18. DSA- 2 questions , unit-8
19. Related to holder in due course
20. Demat services benefits - pg 135
21. LTV ratio and risk weight-pg 114
22. DEAF Fund scheme related
23. Power Of attorney related
24. FCNR account related
25. what is restrictive endorsement.
26. "Once a bearer is always a bearer"what is meant by this statement.
bearer instruments means an instrument, the ownership in which can be transferred from one person to another by mere delivery of the instrument.

some questions regarding customer service, how to deal with particular situation .

Correct me for any mistake .