POA, chq endorsement
Basel 2, 2 questions
NI act 3 qs
Kyc 1
Can a loan be set off if that customer has balance in saving ac of other branch, where cbs facility is not there
Locker any or survivor question
Basel-2 credit risk market risk Public company minimum Cash management involves b?
Data mining
Locker of X n y either or survivor X instructs bank to not let y operate coz they are divorcing.... Shud y b allowed to operate ?
Swadhan relates to ?
Cash management steps Notes by at max b issured by rbi
Priority sector advance limit
Micro service sector Max limit
Mutual funds properties and types
normal definitions, lc and type,
forward contract,
joint account cases,
marketing qualities,
sections clearing,
basel ii requirements
your customer in future receives foreign currency. Specify what would you suggest. . Lc.. . Forward contract rate, fixed rate
a bc jointly opens a account with anyone or survivor clause. If a expires can b n c operate, or with legal representation of a legal hiers
same above question with deposit and locker opening
if a x opens a fixed deposit with z nominee can he operate and own money or it's just trustee who maintains legal heirs money
types of lc question
marketing question like best option to choose
same ethics question
satellite works on principle line of sight
Largest WAN in India..Answer us NICNET
Swadha portal by --IBA
1.Short term crop loan per acre decided by???
Agriculture loan will become NPA after
Swadhan relates to?
SBI life insurance
Calculations of letter of credit question asked in todays paper
Mortgage in which act??
About priority sector lending certificate --second batch questions
Mr. A has nominated B in fixed deposit.
After death of A ...
B can transfer fdr into his name
B can premature withdrawal fdr
B can take money after court order and legal hier of A
Money will be given to legal hier of A
Types of LC
questions second batch
protection to payment bank
export under priority sector
ATMs type ofsite on-site
Working capital
Types of LC
Clayton case
Right of set off
Bank Customer relationship
Horizontal merger
1. 7P of marketing relates to.
2. Basel 2 (2 questions)
3.whistle blower policy. .
4.types of letter of credit.
5. Horizontal merger ?
6. Working capital (4 questions )
7..kcc Become NPA?
8.ATM related 2 questions.like online ATM offline ATM .. stand alone ATM.
9. American depository receipt.
10.PSLC certificate
Sheril Gupta:
*Ppb exam* :
Important topics as per today's exam scenario__--
Money control instrument, mortgage,set off ,lien, joint a./c operations, topology network, section of payment collection and issue, Clayton's rule, malware and threat to IT, msme advances, Basel 2/3 applications, cash management system, social media, marketing mix,
Ethics questions are judgemental !!
Crossing covered under section ?
Every system connected to other system - mesh topology
Marketing concepts 3 to 4 questions,
Software that locks access to system and asks for payment - Ransom ware,
Basel II 3 pillars?,
Public company min members - 7,
Cash management steps?,
Short term loan per acre value decided by - District level commitee......,
Mostly all questions came from MacMillan books examples.