2. admission or establishment of new states
two .shoe
jb logo new new state bnane ki baat ki toh unko shoe mare
2a repealed
ek shoe re reappeal ki ..
3. formation of new states and alteration of new areas
tree belongs to new origin
logo ne trees ki boundry se new area bnaye alter kre. or new states bnali
4. Laws made under article 2 and 3 to provide for the amendment of the first and the fourth schedules and supplemental, incidental and consequential matters
four.. door
territory door jiske trough tree vali state and new states m jane ka raasta ho
.......... part 2 citizenship....
two.shoe part two deal with persons wearing shoes
5. Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution सविंधान के प्रारम्भ में नागरिकता
five ..knife
five .. fingers ✋
jb citizens milte h toh hi/ hello krte h
6. Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan पाकिस्तान से भारत प्रव्रजन करने वाले कुछ व्यक्तियों कि नागरिकता के अधिकार
six .. sticks
pakistan s aaye hue citizens ko sticks maari
Rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan पकिस्तान को प्रव्रजन करने वाले कुछ व्यक्तियों के नागरिकता के अधिकार
seven ..heaven
ji log india chod k pakistan gye unko heaven ki yaad aayi
eight ..gate
india k jo log bhar rhte h vo apne ghar m extra gate lgate h
9. Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign State not to be citizens
wine k nashe m log voluntarily foreign citizenship acquire kr rhe h
Continuance of the rights of citizenship
logo hen ko b citizenship dena continue krege
Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law
eleven ...elevator
ministors line bna k elevator s parliament gye aur vha law bnaya for right of citizenship aur kha hum b citizen h
.....Part 3..fundamental rights..
three..tree.. tree m lge fruits/ vegetables.. sbke khabe k alag funde ..
12. definition
twelve.. dozen.
Darjan log ..darjan definitions .. dar lgne lga h aab
13. Laws of inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights
thirteen.. unlucky no.. black cat ..
unlucky no ne sb inconsistent kr dia .. pr black cat boli mujhe b mera fundamental right chahiye
14. Equality before law
fourteen.. fort in
rajasthan k ek firt m meeting chal ri thi taki sb equality ka fundamental right mile.
15. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion,race,caste,sex or place of birth
fifteen .. five in.. hand fist.. ✊ muthi
lovers hold hand .. and its their fundamental right to prohibit discrimination .. taki vo kisi b religion, race, caste , sex or apni choice s shadi kr skee
16. Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment
sixteen.. sweet sixteen
girl at sweet sixteen has public matters m equality ki opportunity mangne lggi
17. abolition of Untouchability
girl ne boy ko kha abhi m 17 ki hu . dont touch me.
18. Abolition of titles
at 18 , everyone got new title .. licence saare fundamental rights..purane abolish
19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, etc
nineteen.. night in
raat ko andere m bolti band..night m freedom of sppech ko b protect krna pdta h
20.Protection in respect of conviction for offences
twenty .. two and 1 tea
offenses s protection k liy 1-2 tea pilai
21. Protection of life and personal liberty
twenty one
21 k hote hi shadi ki persission .personal liberty milgi.
21A Right to Education
liberty milte hi ldkabola shadi kruga . papa ne kha phle abcd toh puri sikhle..
22. Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
22 in hindi .. baaeis. .ice piece.. chuppan chupai
dhund ni pate toh arrest
ni krege or detention ni hgi
Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour
red light .. 2-3 lights mein red light p forced labour.