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Monday, April 11, 2016

Banking Material: Types Of Banking

Types of Banking

I am Meenakshi.

Here sharing Banking Material: Types of Banking

Have a look at the material.
Hope you like it. Happy Reading :)

1.Para Banking- When Bank provide banking services except the general banking facility.

2.Narrow Banking- When banks invest its money in government securities instead investing in market to avoid risk.

3.Overseas Banking-Banks having branches in other countries besides its origin country. Example Bank of Baroda has maximum foreign branches by any indian bank

4.Offshore Banking- Bank which accept currency of all countries. Offshore banks are in those countries which declares them as Heaven Bank Country. Example- Swiss Banks

5.Green Banking- Promoting environmental-friendly practices and reducing your carbon footprint from your banking activities.

6.Islamic Banking- Those Banks which work according to Islamic Laws. Concept originate in Egypt. Islamic bank opens at Cochin in kerala in 2010.

7.Kiosk Banking- When we Deposit or withdraw money from booths , it is called Kiosk banking.

8.Defence Banking-Full banking services made available to all members of the Defence force, including non-uniformed personnel and other civilians.

9.Retail Banking-Retail banking refers to the division of a bank that deals directly with retail customers. Also known as consumer banking or personal banking, retail banking is the visible face of banking to the general public.

10.Banking on Wheel-to provide banking services in remote villages which are devoid of banking facilitiesas part its financial inclusion plan.

11.Wholesale banking-Wholesale banking is the provision of services by banks to organisations such as Mortgage Brokers, large corporate clients, mid-sized companies, real estate developers and investors, international trade finance businesses, institutional customers (such as pension funds and government entities/agencies), and services offered to other banks or other financial institutions.