General Knowledge Questions Asked In RRB Railway
3 April 2016 Exam Shift-1,shift-2and shift-3
1.Which is not an Operating system(options :OS x,win 98,C++,Windows 7)?
Ans: C++
2.Which Vitamin responsible for Blood Clotting?
Ans: Vitamin K
3.Longest river in India which do not fall in sea?
Ans: Yamuna
4.Longest railway destination of India?
Ans: Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari.
5.Chipko movement started from where in India?
Ans: Uttarakhand
6.Male is the capital of which country?
Ans: Republic of Maldives
7.What is Serbian Index?
Ans: capitalization-weighted price index
8.what is the capital of Uganda?
Ans: Kampala
9.Most Peaceful country according to 2015 peace index?
Ans: Iceland
10.Mica is abundant in which state of India?
Ans: Jharkhand
11.where is Orang Park situated ?
Ans: Assam
12.Cleanest city of India?
Ans: Mysuru
13.New Member of World Trade Organisation?
Ans: Afghanistan
14.H20 is water then what is KOH?
Ans: Potassium Hydroxide
15.1998 pokaran test operation name?
Ans: Operation Shakti
16.Madhubani Paintings Indicates?
Ans: Forest of Honey
17.What is MakarSakranti?
Ans: Festival
18.Which crop is produced at highest quantity in India?
Ans: Rice
19.archipelagos means?
Ans: A group of small Icelands
20.What is Planet X?
Ans: Nibiru cataclysm
21.What Is Adult Heart Beat?
Ans: 60-100 Per Mint
22. Capital Of Srilanka?
Ans:Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte (official Capital)
1.India’s largest freshwater lake?
Ans:Wular Lake
2.What is oneirology?
Ans: scientific study of dreams.
3.Modern Olympic 1896 held in which city?
Ans: Athens,Greece
4.Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1999?
Ans: Nawaz sharif
5.In which year Sikkim get formed?
Ans: 1975
6.About Make in India logo?
Ans: Moving Lion
7.What was the duration of PM Modi’s America visit in 2015?
Ans: 5
8.what is Sighmo?
Ans: Spring Fesitval
9.Odd one out(ears-hearing,tongue-taste,
Ans: light
11.Holi is Celerbrated with?
Ans: Gulal
12.Adhai Din ka Jhopda is in?
Ans: Ajmer,Rajasthan
13.Who is the author of Malgudi days?
Ans: RK Narayan
14.What is LIGO?
Ans: Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory
15.Who got Olympic quota in wrestling in 2015?
Ans: Narsingh Yadav
17.Who is Karl Marx?
Ans: Philospher
18.UNO headquarter?
Ans: New York
19.Most abundant natural combustible gas?
Ans: Methane
20.India got freedom on 15th August in which time day/night/noon/midnight?
Ans: Midnight
21What is the foundation year of Arunachal Pradesh?
Ans: 1987
22.Change in position with distance is?
Ans: Magnitude
23.Gravitational Force on two subjects depends on ?
Ans: combined mass and the distance
1. When was Indian National Congress formed?
Ans: December 28, 1885
2. 2015 winner of rugby?
Ans: Australia
3. Azad hind fauj was organised by?
Ans: subash chandrabose
4.Sajan prakash related to?
Ans: Swimmer
5.Who built fathehpur sikri?
Ans: Akbar
6. Indian army formed by whom?
Ans: Capitan Mohan Singh
7. Davis cup winner 2015?
Ans: Andy Murray
8.The first nobel price for medicine was given to invention of vaccine for which disease?
Ans: Diphtheria
9. Alfred Nobel invented?
10. INS satellites are used for?
Ans: Communication
11. Main element in marsh gas?
Ans: Methane
12.World wide Web invented by?
Ans: Tim Berners-lee
13. North Korea founded by?
Ans: 1948 Sept - 9
14.Which of the following is not Jupiter satellite?(Europa,Ganymede,metis,Titan)
Ans: Titan
15.What is the average thickness of skin?
Ans: 0.10 inch(or) 2-3 mm
3 April 2016 Exam Shift-1,shift-2and shift-3
1.Which is not an Operating system(options :OS x,win 98,C++,Windows 7)?
Ans: C++
2.Which Vitamin responsible for Blood Clotting?
Ans: Vitamin K
3.Longest river in India which do not fall in sea?
Ans: Yamuna
4.Longest railway destination of India?
Ans: Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari.
5.Chipko movement started from where in India?
Ans: Uttarakhand
6.Male is the capital of which country?
Ans: Republic of Maldives
7.What is Serbian Index?
Ans: capitalization-weighted price index
8.what is the capital of Uganda?
Ans: Kampala
9.Most Peaceful country according to 2015 peace index?
Ans: Iceland
10.Mica is abundant in which state of India?
Ans: Jharkhand
11.where is Orang Park situated ?
Ans: Assam
12.Cleanest city of India?
Ans: Mysuru
13.New Member of World Trade Organisation?
Ans: Afghanistan
14.H20 is water then what is KOH?
Ans: Potassium Hydroxide
15.1998 pokaran test operation name?
Ans: Operation Shakti
16.Madhubani Paintings Indicates?
Ans: Forest of Honey
17.What is MakarSakranti?
Ans: Festival
18.Which crop is produced at highest quantity in India?
Ans: Rice
19.archipelagos means?
Ans: A group of small Icelands
20.What is Planet X?
Ans: Nibiru cataclysm
21.What Is Adult Heart Beat?
Ans: 60-100 Per Mint
22. Capital Of Srilanka?
Ans:Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte (official Capital)
1.India’s largest freshwater lake?
Ans:Wular Lake
2.What is oneirology?
Ans: scientific study of dreams.
3.Modern Olympic 1896 held in which city?
Ans: Athens,Greece
4.Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1999?
Ans: Nawaz sharif
5.In which year Sikkim get formed?
Ans: 1975
6.About Make in India logo?
Ans: Moving Lion
7.What was the duration of PM Modi’s America visit in 2015?
Ans: 5
8.what is Sighmo?
Ans: Spring Fesitval
9.Odd one out(ears-hearing,tongue-taste,
Ans: light
11.Holi is Celerbrated with?
Ans: Gulal
12.Adhai Din ka Jhopda is in?
Ans: Ajmer,Rajasthan
13.Who is the author of Malgudi days?
Ans: RK Narayan
14.What is LIGO?
Ans: Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory
15.Who got Olympic quota in wrestling in 2015?
Ans: Narsingh Yadav
17.Who is Karl Marx?
Ans: Philospher
18.UNO headquarter?
Ans: New York
19.Most abundant natural combustible gas?
Ans: Methane
20.India got freedom on 15th August in which time day/night/noon/midnight?
Ans: Midnight
21What is the foundation year of Arunachal Pradesh?
Ans: 1987
22.Change in position with distance is?
Ans: Magnitude
23.Gravitational Force on two subjects depends on ?
Ans: combined mass and the distance
1. When was Indian National Congress formed?
Ans: December 28, 1885
2. 2015 winner of rugby?
Ans: Australia
3. Azad hind fauj was organised by?
Ans: subash chandrabose
4.Sajan prakash related to?
Ans: Swimmer
5.Who built fathehpur sikri?
Ans: Akbar
6. Indian army formed by whom?
Ans: Capitan Mohan Singh
7. Davis cup winner 2015?
Ans: Andy Murray
8.The first nobel price for medicine was given to invention of vaccine for which disease?
Ans: Diphtheria
9. Alfred Nobel invented?
10. INS satellites are used for?
Ans: Communication
11. Main element in marsh gas?
Ans: Methane
12.World wide Web invented by?
Ans: Tim Berners-lee
13. North Korea founded by?
Ans: 1948 Sept - 9
14.Which of the following is not Jupiter satellite?(Europa,Ganymede,metis,Titan)
Ans: Titan
15.What is the average thickness of skin?
Ans: 0.10 inch(or) 2-3 mm
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