Preparation strategy for JAIIB examination:
In our earlier post we have seen about the structure and syllabus of the JAIIB exam. Now we will look into the preparation strategy for JAIIB exam. JAIIB exam needs some dedicated preparation to crack the exam, especially for the non commerce graduates. Many young bankers prepare for the exam only during the last week; Then they write one paper after getting low marks, they simply give up the attempt. Some take two days leave before the
exam and prepare for it eventually they fail because of shortage of four or five marks. These strategies may work for few talent bankers but not for all. After our busy working hours, daily we have to spend some time for preparation of the exam. Since most of us are very new to the banking industry and its concepts, we need regular revisions to familiarise with the concepts.So all it needs a self disciplined and determined mind to prepare for the exam.
exam and prepare for it eventually they fail because of shortage of four or five marks. These strategies may work for few talent bankers but not for all. After our busy working hours, daily we have to spend some time for preparation of the exam. Since most of us are very new to the banking industry and its concepts, we need regular revisions to familiarise with the concepts.So all it needs a self disciplined and determined mind to prepare for the exam.
Allocation of Study time:
Daily we need to spend at least 1 hour a day for preparation of the JAIIB exam for around 1 month but it would be better if you do some part daily. Cramming before the exam night or before two days won’t help for understanding the information. It may help for few direct questions but it won’t be useful for complex questions. Also we wont have enough time to complete the syllabus and will lead to anxiety & stress. Sacrificing our sleep before the exam night will also make us counterproductive so it better to study every day.
Importance of Studying daily:
Studying daily and revising regularly helps to familiarise with concepts. It also helps us to understand the information. Having a study routine is not only helpful for exam but also improves our reading habit which every banker needs, as our industry is very dynamic. In our hectic banking hours finding time for continuously 2 hrs a day is very hard. But having small sessions of 30 to 40 minutes thrice in a day is easy to find. In the era of smart phones, we can study anything at anywhere so when you find a spare time please use it.
Study Material:
For preparation, I strictly recommend the three comprehensive courseware developed by IIBF, published by MacMillan for each paper. These books are not only helpful for the exam but also for our Banking career. If you really want to pursue your career as banker then these books are must and fundamental. They act like a reference manual for us. So my humble request to all, please don’t prepare only for clearing the exam; Kindly prepare with the motive of improving knowledge in the banking field. Because the knowledge gathered during our JAIIB exam will also aid us during our day-to-day banking life.
Apart from the MacMillan books, the books and work books prepared by JAIIB coaching centres such as N S Noor, Deewan Banking Academy etc,. are also available in the market. Mostly they are good but not comprehensive and may not have clear explanation for some topics. All the books are about same cost, so I recommend the Macmillan books.
They are many free study material is available in our blog,facebook groups and in websites also. If possible get that too for your reference but my best suggestion is to buy Macmillan books. The amount spent is more than worthy, the book will be useful for our banking career.
For Latest developments & Current affairs related to Banking Industry:
Apart from the above syllabus we need to refer the following for full preparation of the JAIIB exam.
- Current developments in Master Circulars/ Master revisions issued by RBI
- Websites of RBI, SEBI, BIS, IRDAI, FEDAI for reference and development in concerned subjects
- IIBF Vision and Bank Quest published by IIBF for the members it is free and sent to email id.
- Financial newspapers/publication can also be referred for current affairs.
- New Government Schemes related to banking sector.
Nature of Questions:
Depending upon the complexity of the question, the marks of the question varies.
0.50 mark – Direct question which requires one word answers. Answer this questions with 100% accuracy. Most of these questions are from definitions, types or classification, abbreviation, simple explanations etc,. So at least read and go through all the topics in Macmillan Book twice.
1.00 mark – Concepts are slightly twisted to test the basic understanding it. Answers are slightly confusing. While studying concentrate for this type of questions which helps us to get the minimum marks.1
2.00 mark – Complex questions requires a complete understanding of a topic. If you know the concept by heart you can answer these question. By if we are not sure about the topic then it consumes all our time during the exam. And also chances of making mistake in this type question is more.
Planning a study schedule:
Now we have allocated our time and purchased & collected the necessary materials for preparation of JAIIB exam. Now, “What is next??;” Having a strategy/plan/routine schedule for preparation of JAIIB Exam. Strategic planning is important for any activity because it provides a sense of direction and evaluation of progress in our efforts towards goal. A goal without a plan is just a wish, so please make a plan and try to stick to it.
We have already seen the JAIIB syllabus . In order to pass the JAIIB exam all we need to do is to get 50% of marks in each paper within four consecutive attempts. So we don’t need to study all modules deeper and do research on each topic. If we cover 75% of the syllabus for each paper is enough to get more than 50%.
The strategy and study plan I discuss below are just an example for understanding, viewers and readers are instructed to prepare their own schedule based on their level of knowledge and skills in each subjects.
Overlapped Topics:
Some topics of a paper is also a covered in other papers and questions can be asked in any of the paper. For example AML/KYC is also common for Accounting & Finance and Legal & Regulatory aspects of Banking. Since questions can be asked in any of three exams from this topics, prepare for the paper which has most topics & sub-topics in that particular subject. Also revise the same when you need to prepare for the overlapped topic.
Study Plan: Principles & Practices of Banking:
In my view this is the easiest subject to pass when compared to other papers. Because in this paper, all the topic are conceptual and mostly related to our day-to-day banking activities. Hence most of the topics (not all) are already familiar to us.
Module | Study Tips | Time to be Spent |
Module A: Indian Financial System |
| 12 hrs |
Module B: Functions of Banks |
| 12 hrs |
Module C: Banking Technology |
| 6 hrs |
Module D: Support Services & Marketing of Banking Services/Products |
| 6 hrs |
Total | 36 hrs |
Study Plan: Accounting & Finance for Bankers:
Many bankers treat the Accounting & Finance paper as tough. The main reason is cramming of information won’t work here like other papers. Since here we have to study, understand and apply the concepts, we need to study regularly and practice. So a good study routine is must and here all the modules are important for exam purpose as well as for our knowledge. So there is no skipping of modules in this paper and give importance to all topics.
Module | Study Tips | Time to be Spent |
Module A: Business Mathematics and Finance |
| 18 hrs |
Module B: Principles of Book Keeping and Accountancy |
| 14 hrs |
Module C: Final Accounts |
| 18 hrs |
Module D: Banking Operations and Accounting Functions |
| 6 hrs |
Total | 56 hrs |
Study Plan: Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Banking:
Many people underestimate the legal paper and say this exam is very easy to clear. This is purely a law oriented paper, so many of the legal terms used in the topics are new to us. In order to familiarise and to understand those topics, we have to spend more time for this paper. Also good memorization skill is required to remember the numbers & data. All the modules are about equally important, hence don’t skip a topic.
Module | Study Tips | Time to be Spent |
Module A: Regulation and Compliance |
| 10 hrs |
Module B: Legal aspects of Banking Operations |
| 18 hrs |
Module C: Banking related laws |
| 22 hrs |
Module D: Commercial Laws with reference to banking operations |
| 18 hrs |
Total | 68 hrs |