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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Are IIBF certifications, other than JAIIB & CAIIB, worth doing?

Yes and No. Every course has a outcome. It is useful if outcomes are in line with your future goals. They are always valid. Any certification or diploma shows your inclination towards being a thorough professional. Your suggestions and views get weight. Your work experience and related course certification gives a higher podium.

The IIBF certificate courses helps to improve our knowledge in a particular domain of Banking & Financial Industry and makes us specialized in them.

Certificate Courses Offered by IIBF:

  1. MSME
  2. Certificate In International Trade Finance
  3. Certificate Examination In Information System Banker
  4. Certificate Examination in AML/KYC
  5. Customer Service & Banking codes and standards
  6. Certificate Examination In It Security
  7. Certificate Examination In Rural Banking Operations
  8. Certificate Examination In Prevention Of Cyber Crimes And Fraud Management
  9. Certificate Examination In Foreign Exchange Facilities For Individuals
  10. Certificate Examination In Microfinance
  11. Card Operations (for Employees of I.T. and BPO Companies)
  12. Functions of Banks (for Employees of I.T. and BPO Companies)
  13. Basics of Banking (for Employees of I.T. and BPO Companies)
  14. Certificate Examination For DRA
  15. Certificate Examination For DRA Telecallers
  16. Business Correspondents / Facilitators
  17. Derivative Market Module
Certificate Courses offered by National Institute of Securities Market (NISM):
  1. Currency Derivatives
  2. Equity Derivatives
  3. Depository Operations
  4. Merchant Banking
  5. Mutual Fund Distributor Module
Certificate course by NSE Certification in Financial Market (NCFM)
  1. Commodities Market Module
  2. Capital Market Module
  3. Securities Market Module
  4. Derivative Market Module
  5. FIMMDA - Debt Market Module
So studying and clearing these exams will help us to reach vertical heights in our banking career.
Happy Reading :)