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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Here sharing unitwise collection of BFM unit -2. This post will get updated with more qus time to time.Hope you like it. happy Reading:)

1. .......... can be defined as an unplanned event with financial consequences resulting in loss or reduced earnings.
a) Risk
b) Derivates

2. Herstatt Risk is also known as ......?
a) exchange risk
b) Country Risk
c) Intrest Rate Risk
d) Settlement Risk
Ans- Settlement risk

3. Movement in exchange may result in ........ for dealer's open position
a) loss
c) no change
Ans- loss

4. what will be the situation for long position?
a) excess of assets over liabilities
b) excess of liabilities over assets
c) assets = liabilities
d) does not depend upon assets and liabilities
Ans- a -excess of assets over liabilities or purchases are more than sale

5. Country risk can be controlled by ??
a) fixing country limit
b)increasing the cash flow
c)cant be controlled
Ans-a) fixing country limit

6. ICG Full Form?
Ans- Internal Control Guidelines

7. Maximum inter period /month exposures which a bank can keep , are called .....?
Ans- Gap Limits

8. Maximum amount a dealer can keep exposure during operating hours is known as ?
Ans- Dealer limits

9. Settlement Gurantee Fund is created by whom ?

10. CCIL full form/
Ans- Clearing Corporation of India Ltd

11. NDS Full form ?
Ans- Negotiated Dealing System

12. Name of Forex trading platform?
Ans- FX- Clear

13.Who introduced first Exchange Traded urrency Future Contract?
Ans- Chicago Mercantile Exchange

14. Risk is associated with a ....that is expected to be incures due to happening or non happening of certain event.
Ans- loss

15.Risk associated with mishandling of goods?
Ans- Shipping risk

16.Risk associated with non shipment of goods?
Ans- Seller Risk

17. when the purchases are less than sale .it is
a)long position
b) short position
Ans- Short Position

18. When the exchange takes place directly without intermidatory is known as ...?
Ans- Over the counter derivates