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Sunday, July 08, 2018


You can share more if u have .Some recollected questions are as :
  1. Bullet repayment
  2. IMF
  3. negative pledge
  4. bahamas routing offshore known as
  5. ratio covenants
  6. value at risk
  7. urc 522
  8. restoration of confidence in intt trade and invstment
  9. sterling denominated foreign bonds
  10. world bank group
  11. leveraged buy out
  12. floating rate notes
  13. risk collaps of barings bank
  14. oldest credit rating agency
  15. straight debt
  16. numericals asked frm call option, dealer, bill negotiation n crystalization, post n pre shipment
  17. Oldest rating agency
  18. what is IMF
  19. 5 marks case study on residential status
  20. 5 marks case study on conversion of currency directly quoted,TT Buying or selling
  21. 5 marks case study on conversion indirectly quoted
  22. 2 questions on INCOTERMS
  23. Syndication financing
  24. Off sheet balance
  25. IEC code
  26. EEFC
  27. Predecessor of World Bank
  28. 3 questions on LC
  29. Popular Off shore location for resident and non resident
  30. Euronote
  31. AD is the member of....?
  32. SNRR a/c
  33. Leveraged buy outs
  34. Management buy out
  35. correspondent banking
  36. balance of payment
  37. A case study on NRI NRO PIO
  38. ADR GDR level movement
  39. syndication definition
  40. World Bank
  41. a case study on ECGC
  42. offshore banking
  43. Export Import duration after shipment
  44. Letter of credit theory
  45. A case study on parties of LC
  46. A Case study on cross rate transaction
  47. A case study on margin selling or buying
  48. Authorised Dealer
  49. IMF 2 questions
  50. Theoretical case study on ECB
  51. Straddle
  52. URR522
Happy reading :)