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Monday, July 09, 2018

Habits to clear JAIIB and CAIIB exams

Having Positive Attitude

  • Positive thinking and optimistic attitude will help you to make your problems into opportunities. It also helps you to motivate yourself. So you must make your mind positive  and be in the habit to staying happy and healthy.

Developing Time Management habits
  • This is really an important habit. If you want time for everything you need to schedule your things within 24 hrs of your day. Yes I can understand your feelings, you need to spend time with your family; You need time to sleep etc after your daily office routine.
  • So having time management skill is a must for everyone. Think how you are spending your time now and how can you rework your schedule. Don’t waste your time on social media unless it enhances your knowledge. Be productive and study efficiently those hours.
  • One of the critical part of time management is to study efficiently as possible. Allocate at least 1hr of study time in your daily routine. If we closely monitor our time on social medias, on an average we definitely spend 2 hrs in it. So avoid that, prioritize your work and include your study time in it.
Improving Reading and Learning Habits
  • Having a compulsory study time is to improve our reading habit regularly. Developing reading habits encourages us to learn more. Reading also diverts our mind from our work stress and family tensions. When you understand what we read it creates a positivity in our mind. Developing a good reading habit is necessary in this dynamic world.
  • While reading is a habit of studying a book or a blog post or anything that is written, learning is a skill of understanding and practising the things we read. So gathering the knowledge from your reading is very very important. 
  • So whatever you are reading please try to understand them. Many aspirants do this mistake they simply read all the previous year questions and answers. Then they even pass the examination but it won’t be helpful for their day to day banking operations.
  • The aim of JAIIB examination is to provide basic knowledge to the persons working in banking and financial institutions. So keep that in mind and prepare for the exam with the intention to improve your knowledge and for your career development.
Notes Taking Habit
  • While preparing for any exams taking effective and meaningful notes is a crucial skill. They help you to recall the information when you revise them again. Since you are writing down the important information you will learn and remember it better.
  • When you started to take notes you will give importance to details which will make you to ask more questions and trigger you to find short answers for it. During this process you will learn about the topic in detail and it enhances your understanding about the topic.
  • From exam point of view the important benefit of taking notes is to review them at regular intervals. So the better you take notes the more you can recollect the information later.
  • My personal advice is to take hand written notes. Though using a computer or mobile apps are more convenient. They will actually distract you from learning and understanding the topic. Don’t think note taking is waste of time. Once you are familiarized it will be very easy for you to take notes. Because your eyes are now trained to spot the important details within seconds.
Be Goal and Action oriented
  • You need to a be a goal setter as the syllabus are vast especially CAIIB syllabus. In order to learn all the topics you have to set targets for every week. Creating goals or targets makes you to plan your work thus helping you to manage your time efficiently.
  • Working towards your targets motivates you to achieve big. It will drive you to push yourself from your comfort zone that leads to setting higher goals. In order to be a goal oriented person you have to create study plans for every week. Also you should be true to yourself to achieve the goals without fail.
  • Hard working is nothing but setting many smaller goals and working until you achieve it. Remember simply  setting goals won’t bring us success. We have to work towards our goal. Therefore we have to be an action taker. You have to take the initiative and work on your smaller targets until you complete them.
  • I agree everyday things will not happen as we planned. But without having proper study plan we cannot cover the entire syllabus of examination. So having a study plan (goal or target) for every week and taking actionable efforts to cope up with the study plan is very important for preparation of the examination.
Participate in Discussions  
  • Discussion helps in recalling the important points and also helps to recall what you learned.
  • having participating in discussions on daily basis with the same unit gets you motivated by seeing others efforts too.
  • So be active and be prepared .
Happy Reading :)