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Sunday, September 30, 2018

ABM UNIT 33 : Rehabilitation and Recovery

Discussion : 30.09.2018
Meenakshi, Selvaraj T, Tt,Manju, Stuti,Ashish,Devil

..... means the inability to meet commitments in relation to lending ,trading or any FI
Ans- Credit Default

CDR full form?
Corporate Debt Restructuring

CFSA full form?
Committee on financial sector assessment

wilful deafulters??
who have ability to pay bt still not pay
Doesnt pay intentionally though he has the capacity

when was SARFAESI ACT come into force?
2002 21 June

Board of industrial n finamcial reconstruction

upto which amount of loan of settlement is preferred in lok adalat?
20 Lakh revised

CDR group will prepare the restructuring plan for consideration within..... days
Ans- 30 days

...... to decide where rehabitation is feasible or not ??
1 month

CDR system is divided into how many tiers?Name them.
Ans- 3
Cdr standing forum n its core group. Cdr empowered group n cdr cell.

CIBIL was set up by which bank??

In case of guarantees or letter of credit,credit default means crystallisation of liability.true/false

Assets are classified in how many categories?
Performing and non performing
non performing-sub standard, doubtful,loss asset

Provisioning coverage Ratio

Abbreviation of CRILC?
Ans- Central repository information on large credit

the DRTs are meant for recovery of dues of the banks and financial institutions only.true/false
Ans- true

Banks inform their non-cooperative borrower  to crilc with in___________________?
With in 21days.

Ans- Asset Reconstruction Company (India) limited

Steps followed by banks in stressed assets?
1. Exit from account
2. Reschudling / restructuring
3. Rehabitation
4. Compromise
5. Legal Action
6. Write off

Drt claim amount?
10 lk+

Sale of financial asset by bank to____________?
Reconstruction company

Can lending institution  publish defaulter photo?
Yes, wilful defaulters only

.. We did our best in sharing qusetions. if any any ans is wrong, or want to share more,, mention in comment section.