1.Difference between Money laundering and terrorist financing
2.which of the following is not a step of money laundering cycle?
3.which of the following is not a source of financing to terrorist? pg 15
4.which of the following is a member of wolfsberg group
5. which of the following is not a member of wolfsberg group
6.India is a member of which of the following group?-FATF
7.pep pg 41
8.new technologies. pg 42
9.Bank Secracy Act pg 50
10.Austrac pg 52
11.money laundering control act 1986 is under
12.reporting entity means ... pg 56
13.dept fiu ind
14.Kyc requirement for joint account with either or survivour- both
15.ovd requirement for trust
16.ovd requirement for company
17.resident definition for pmla is taken from which act
18.beneficial owner
.... table pg 123 qus...
19. timeline to submit of monthly reports is .... 15th of next month
20. timeline for str.. 7dsys
21.reports to fiu ind are sbmitted as... single report..pg 146
22. alert based str pg 147
23 .small account -monthly limit -10000
24.small account based 4option
25.regulated entities.. pg 193
26.under simplified procedure howmuch time is given for prividing ovd
27.which isnot the work of designated officer
29. 1 case study from book ...
30.fatf documents how many time in a year . 3times
31.threshold value for company .. 25prcnt pg 93
32.threshold value for trust.. 15 prcnt pg 93
33.india is a member of
apg, catf, eag
34.fatf latest member
35.correspondent banking
36. one acciunt is opened in delhi,cashdeposits from different locations nd withdwals from diff location .. funnel accounts
37.bcbs paper publishmed in jan 2014 is ... pg 29..
38.Imf pg 26
39.difference betweem aml policy, aml/cft
40.smurfing meaning... deposit in different acc below threshold pg 16
30.fatf documents how many time in a year . 3times
31.threshold value for company .. 25prcnt pg 93
32.threshold value for trust.. 15 prcnt pg 93
33.india is a member of
apg, catf, eag
34.fatf latest member
35.correspondent banking
36. one acciunt is opened in delhi,cashdeposits from different locations nd withdwals from diff location .. funnel accounts
37.bcbs paper publishmed in jan 2014 is ... pg 29..
38.Imf pg 26
39.difference betweem aml policy, aml/cft
40.smurfing meaning... deposit in different acc below threshold pg 16