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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Exam Review : Rbi grade b 15september 2018

ESI Memory based questions RBI Gr B Phase II 2018

2)Fiscal deficit
3) Repo
4) Gdp demand prospective
5)Fiscal policy
6) HDI realised by
7) Consumer goods are called
8) TRIPS administered by
9) Poverty caused by a sudden crisis
10) Agricultural export as per budget
11) First state to conduct multidimensionality poverty
12) Impact of globalization
13) Theory of inflation
14) International organisation created in 1945

Topics/essay asked in RBI mains exam held on 15th Sep 2018

1)Advantages of UPI over money transfer
2)Financial inclusion – A requirement for all ages in India
3)Crowdfunding – the new phenomenon in financing
 4)Positive and negative effects of demonetization on the        Indian economy
5) Measures for promoting microfinance in India